Ms Access Project (3rd Class)

Today we are talking in 3rd class of MS Access, Previous class was good for you, So must be concentrate at all good steps.

Dear Visitors ! you will have saved your files by the name of "invoice system" which i described in previous tutorial.

Have you saved ?


Now Open that file by the clicking File Menu and selecting "Open".

A Window Will Appear with a dialogue box. i have created 2 tables already.

for to create table , click at "create table in design view" text in the dialogue . following window will appear.


 Looking this image , fill your filed and also apply "primary key" on "serial" field . first select "serial row" and then click at "key" icon from the top tool bar.

Very Good.

Now Save this table by the name of "Profile" and close this table.

Repeat above process for to create 2nd table.

for to create table , click at "create table in design view" text in the dialogue . following window will appear.

Fill 2nd table filed according to this given image. don't apply primary key in this table. save by the name of "Details"" and close.

You have created 2 tables success fully. In next day i shall teach you about relation ship between these tables. in any trouble you can comment and get solution.

Regard:Muhammad Shoaib


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